This imprint was last updated on February 14, 2024.
The owner of this website is:
RIAL Werkzeuggroßhandels GmbH
Achenstraße 12
A-6322 Kirchbichl
Phone number: 05332 70490
VAT ID: ATU 78725202
1. General
1.1 We display services or products on our website, which require registration with the following professional association:
Mitglied der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich Fachgruppe: Baustoff-, Eisen-, und Holzhandelnd
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration board.
2. The following information is mandatory according to German law.
3. Additional information
Firmenbuchnummer: FN 592373m
Firmenbuchgericht: Landesgericht Innsbruck
Design & technische Umsetzung der Website
triverti connects –
Christoph Wallner
Bildquellen: Alex Gretter / Mit freundlicher Unterstützung aller Herstellermarken